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The aim of NET Academies Trust is to promote and lead innovative practice in our schools and classrooms to help raise educational outcomes for all pupils.

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Homework expectations at Katherines Primary Academy


  • Daily practise of sounds learned during RWI (Read Write Inc) phonic sessions, these are sent home
  • Reading to your child or them reading to you once they receive a reading book (linked to RWI sounds)
  • Writing their name


  • Reading daily
  • Spellings to practise (linked to their RWI sounds) tested on a Monday
  • MyMaths
  • Edshed - spellings


  • Reading daily
  • Spellings to practise tested on a Friday
  • Edshed - Spellings
  • TT Rockstars
  • MyMaths

Year 6

  • Additional work will be set in preparation for SATs
  • Booster attendance for all.




Your child will bring home a home-school reading book. It is absolutely vital that someone at home hears children read daily. Research has shown that the biggest influence on a child’s success at school is reading at home!

Children will sometimes also bring home a short piece of text to read aloud with expression – to their chosen ‘Lucky Listener’. You don’t even have to stop what you’re doing or be a good reader yourself to be a Lucky Listener – just listen to your child read, and sign the back of the slip as many times as someone listens!


We have set a series of different activities for child to carry out over the course of the term. The activities vary in subject and level of challenge. Homework is an extension of what pupils have learnt in school and also an opportunity to gain new understanding as they develop their researching skills to acquire new information.

Homework is set on a Friday and due in on a Wednesday, wherever possible we ask that you child completes their homework independently.

Online Learning

At Katherines Primary Academy we use a range of Online learning platforms linked to Core areas of teaching within school. Platforms such as EdShed support spelling, My Maths for mathematical development, TTRS for timetables support and Oxford Owls for an array of reading materials.