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The aim of NET Academies Trust is to promote and lead innovative practice in our schools and classrooms to help raise educational outcomes for all pupils.

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Friends of Katherines (FoK)

Friends of Katherines are made up of Parents and Staff. It works in conjunction with the school to provide fundraising opportunities for much needed resources that benefits the children’s learning and enjoyment across the school.

The newly formed Friends of Katherines group is made up of dedicated family members that want to provide a wealth of experience for the pupils of Katherine’s Primary Academy. Our group is growing rapidly if you would like to become a member we would extremely grateful for any help and would love to see some new faces join us. We will have two regular events, one at Christmas and one in the Summer, with smaller events throughout the year. If you have any thoughts about how you could support the school as a Friend of Katherines please contact the school office, we would love to hear from you. 

What's happening this year?

Information from our hard working Friends of Katherines to follow shortly.



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