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The aim of NET Academies Trust is to promote and lead innovative practice in our schools and classrooms to help raise educational outcomes for all pupils.

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No Outsiders

At our school we promote and educate our key theme of 'No Outsiders!' 



At Katherines Primary Academy and Nursery, we follow guidance from the Government on how to teach British Values.  No Outsiders is part of our Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE) curriculum and enhances our teaching on relationships as part of our PSHE curriculum. It is taught through a series of picture books addressing the different areas of the Equality Act.  This part of the curriculum links to British Values and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural learning (SMSC).  As this is part of the school curriculum, every child takes part.  No Outsiders supports quality teaching and learning.  It challenges stereotypes and the use of derogatory language in lessons and around school.  No Outsiders strategies reflect and value the diversity of pupils’ experiences and provide pupils with a comprehensive understanding of people and communities beyond their immediate experience.

How we will achieve this ethos?

  • Shared voice and language 
  • Weekly assemblies 
  • Half termly lessons - linked to literature 
  • Displays 
  • Praise and sanction 
  • All stakeholders buying into this
  • High profile
  • Books and other literature which celebrate diversity in our library and classrooms which can be taken home.

Why is this ethos so important?  

Our children leave us destined for the workplace, for a role in modern Britain. We want our children to champion inclusion and celebrate diversity. To feel that they never are an outsider and to welcome all that they meet. We believe that no one is  born to hate - it is learnt - we need to teach another lesson to spread love and  show love.

Book coverage and learning intentions

The No Outsiders scheme uses a selection of 35 books, covering Early Years to Y6, selected to support primary schools to develop a curriculum response to the Equality Act 2010. The titles in this book pack encourage children to explore identities and focus on diversity as a whole.

Our aim is for children to leave primary school happy and excited about living in a community full of difference and diversity, whether that difference is through ethnicity, gender, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or religion.

For an overview of No Outsiders watch this short film

Diversity is a wonderful thing   

Mrs Norris, met the No Outsiders founder Andrew Moffat recently, he lead an inspirational seminar, challenging leaders in education to see the world as one. In which there really are no outsiders, instead everyone is welcome. Where we can all have respect for each other and still get along, so that we can co-exsist in an ever changing world.

Katherines Primary Academy and Nursery are proud to be a No Outsiders School