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The aim of NET Academies Trust is to promote and lead innovative practice in our schools and classrooms to help raise educational outcomes for all pupils.

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Inclusion at Katherines

The NET Academy SEND Team are continuing to expand and develop to ensure we have the best, most effective provision for our children across our schools. 


From September this year, as well as qualified SENCos, the SEND Team will include three Specialist Teachers; two for learning difficulties and disabilities and one for Autism, a qualified Speech and Language Therapist and an Educational Psychologist. 


While part of the Specialist Teacher's duties will be to carry out the tasks of a SENCo, a significant part of their roles will be to support staff across all the schools to adapt and adjust provision to support learning difficulties and disabilities such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Down Syndrome, Dyscalculia and Global Development Delay and to create inclusive environments and, where required, personalised curricula for children with Autism.


Inclusion at Katherines is highly effective. The whole provision is led and managed very well by an experienced a knowledgeable coordinator, Mrs Hanson. Funding is well used to meet the needs of individuals through training staff and resources as appropriate.

We identify needs and/or disabilities to ensure that pupils make at least expected progress- our data shows that pupils do make the same progress to their classmates and in some cases, their progress is rapid.


If you would like a tour of the school, please call on 01279 421495 or email


 School SENCo - Ruth Crowland 


The following documents can be found on our Policies page here: Policies 

Accessibility plan Katherines

SEND Information School Offer

SEND Essex Local Offer


SEND Policy


SEND Online Support


Introductory Video

 Communication and Interaction

 Cognition and Learning

 Social, Emotional and Mental Health

 Physical and Sensory