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The aim of NET Academies Trust is to promote and lead innovative practice in our schools and classrooms to help raise educational outcomes for all pupils.

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Physical Education

Developing the Pupil Athletes of the future!

Purpose and Aims

At NET, our Physical Education curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:


  • Are inspired to partake, be active, try new skills and live a healthy lifestyle.
  • Excel and participate in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities, as well as being physically confident in non-competitive situations.
  • Access a varied curriculum that supports a positive mental health, a love of sport; whether to compete, lead or referee.
  • Can participate at extra-curricular clubs.
  • Have the opportunity to experience new concepts, develop their knowledge and progress their understanding to levels of greater depth that they can take beyond their time at school. 
  • To lay the foundations to encourage lifelong participation in sport and exercise.


Teachers will impart essential knowledge so pupils can successfully understand,

demonstrate and apply key skills, techniques and concepts. This knowledge has been planned progressively, starting in early years and across key stage one and key stage two. This planned knowledge will include skills, techniques and concepts that are appropriate to a range of sports and build upon one another year after year, and refer to one another over time.

Long Term Plan